获取有关如何选择软件以及如何请求软件的基本信息 to be made avai实验室le in the student 实验室s.

虽然一些实验室图像在学期中会更新软件补丁和修复程序, 一年中大部分的软件安装都发生在夏季学期. Requests are handled in order of the earliest date requested. 虽然它经常 难以提前计划,冗长的过程涉及到配置的近 1600 computers in the 70 plus 实验室s in our environment makes early notice vital. It is extremely important that you assess your software needs the semester before it 实验室需要什么.

  • There is currently an eight week turn-around from the time the installation media 并在它的中收到许可信息,以确定何时可以在学生中使用 实验室
  • 从请求到安装的整个过程大约需要 16周完成 
  • 如果不需要购买软件或许可证,则该过程将进行 八周完成

这些要求应该来自将使用该课程的全职教师 软件是课程的一部分. Adjunct instructors should have their department 主席或院长提出他们的要求.

学生实验室的所有软件申请都是由它的创建的,所有许可都是由它的创建的 and installation media is stored in 它的.

购买用于学生实验室的任何软件都必须经过批准 在购买之前由它的提供. Purchases made without 它的 approval may result in a software purchase that cannot be 使用 in the 实验室 environment.


当你在研究软件的时候,从一开始就涉及到智能智能系统 to:

  • Verify the correct licensing type and quantity of licenses needed
  • Verify systems requirement, both local and network, can be met
  • Assist in getting accurate quotes from the software vendor

智能交通系统或许还能识别出校园可能已经具备的其他软件解决方案 own or can be acquired free of charge (freeware).


教研处会考虑课堂使用的软件的经费需求 由多个部门在实验室和讲台上使用,用于下一个财政年度. 在大多数情况下,将需要与提出请求的部门分摊费用. Budget restrictions limit the ability of 它的 to purchase all software requested. 它的 不得购买个别部门或者个别项目需要的软件; however desirable that software might be for the mission of the department. 软件 这是用于特定的课程,很可能需要由部门支付 使用它.

The software acquisition process takes about 16 weeks from start to finish. 主要的 steps, along with an estimated time to completion for each, are listed below.

Department requests software add/change

要求更改的部门应通过电子邮件与帮助台联系 或者使用web表单. The request needs to include the following information:

  • Location(s) where the software is needed
  • Specific computers that require the software. 例如,是否需要软件 在讲台系统上也是如此?
  • 需要安装该软件的教师笔记本电脑和台式机系统-包括pcc# and location of these systems in the request.
  • 什么CRN(s)需要这个软件


After receiving your completed request, 它的 will review the request. 这个过程 大约需要两周. 这 review includes the following steps:

  • 技术兼容性审查-该软件是否与硬件和 software currently installed on the computers?
  • 现有的软件——有可能它的已经有了解决这个问题的软件 这种需求.
  • If, upon review, it is determined the software should be ordered, 它的 will obtain a quote for the software, along with the license agreement


Once the quote is obtained, a funding source is needed to put in a requisition. 这 这个过程大约需要一个星期. The following questions must be answered before 可以输入请求:

  • 谁为购买提供资金?
  • Is this a first year purchase or ongoing maintenance?
  • What account code will it be billed to?

它的 will enter the requisition once the funding source has been identified.

License agreement review and approval (four weeks)

申请提交后,采购办公室和总法律顾问必须 审核批准许可证. In some cases, the 校董会 must also approve 授权协议. 这个过程 can take up to four weeks.

Purchase order fulfillment (one week)

After approval, the purchase can be processed. 所有许可信息应该是 转发到 itssoftware@eagle1027.com for archiving and to keep continuity of service in ongoing years.

软件 needs to arrive eight weeks prior to the semester it is needed. 这将 allow ample time to develop, test, and deploy a new image.

虽然它的尽一切努力满足教师的软件要求,偶尔 某些软件根本无法在校园网络环境中工作, 不能在当前操作系统中正常工作,与现有软件冲突,或构成 a threat to network security due to their design. 提交的任何软件 安装必须由供应商支持当前的操作系统 实验室. 我们鼓励用户在可能的情况下升级他们现有的课程. 它的保留在通知后删除不再支持的软件的权利 当操作系统下的计算机实验室使用的操作系统升级时. 它的 provides limited support for departmental curricular programs. 这意味着什么? 我们将尽一切努力安装您所要求的软件 让它运行起来,我们不能为个别学生用户提供技术支持, or provide guidance on how to use these programs. 有超过200个程序可供选择 在校园的各个实验室中,它的工作人员无法熟悉许多细节 用户请求的程序. Users are responsible for obtaining usage instructions 从供应商或其他资源.

重要的是: 用户必须向它的提供有关软件配置的任何特殊细节. 如果没有提供这些,软件将使用默认设置安装。 而它的测试将是非常基础的,仅限于确定程序的主要功能 页面将打开和关闭.

当机器重新启动时,对实验室计算机所做的更改将被清除 to the special security hardware and software installed on them. 软件 授权给学生(通常包括在教科书中或以象征性的费用出售) 不要求电脑重新启动可由业主自行决定使用. 有些CD/ dvd在安装后需要重新启动计算机,因此 必须包含在实验室图像中吗. You are encouraged to go into the 实验室s and test the CD/DVDs for yourself to see how they behave. However, if you have any doubts about 如欲使用CD/DVD,可先向它的提交一份副本,然后再使用软件 request deadline and we will be happy to determine whether or not the CD/DVD will 在实验室机器上正常工作.

重要的是: 许多出版商拒绝允许学生软件永久安装在电脑上 network or 实验室 stations because it is not owned by or licensed to the District. Be 一定要联系发行商,确定他们的授权协议的性质 然后要求在校园计算机实验室安装CD/DVD并提供 a written copy of such agreements to 它的. It is the requestor's responsibility to 收集此许可信息,并将其与安装介质一起提供给它的.

Building the image for a 实验室 includes:

  • Installing network software on the campus network servers
  • 测试这些网络安装
  • 安装必须在实验室机器硬盘驱动器上本地加载的软件
  • Running set-up programs for the software that is delivered via the network
  • Configuring individual software packages with various templates, options, etc.
  • Installing drivers for printers or other peripheral devices
  • Identifying and resolving conflicts between different programs
  • Trouble-shooting various problems with individual pieces of software
  • 冻结图像以防止修改并保持稳定的一致性 所有实验室

Note: Freezing may prevent textbook CDs from loading properly.

An absolutely critical part of this process is the testing of the image. 作为图像 ,并由它的工作人员进行测试. We ask faculty/ staff to also test the new image 在“真实世界”的条件下,在实验室指定的机器上或在一个区域它的 has setup prior to deploying the software on all machines requested. 如果问题是 identified and fixed, the image must be re-tested and re-deployed.

它的不会把没有经过充分测试的软件放在实验室里,就像每个实验室一样 新软件带有干扰现有程序的可能性 还会破坏实验室的稳定. Therefore, we try to restrict the installation of 新软件可以在学期之间或实验室不那么繁忙的时候使用 使用. Adherence to deadlines is critical to the reliable functioning of the 实验室s.

调查软件在一年中的任何时候,如果你有任何问题,十大靠谱棋牌游戏 有关软件安装过程的实验室要求,请与教育部联系 Technology Specialist, Maureen Davidson at 585-7082 or msdavidson@eagle1027.com.